Account Info changed.~Do you want to save it?=─αφφ√σ εß ≤≈σ≥φεΘ τα∩Φ±Φ Φτ∞σφσφ√.~╒ε≥Φ≥σ ±ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ ²≥Φ Σαφφ√σ?
Account=╙≈σ≥φα τα∩Φ±ⁿ
accounts.=≤≈σ≥φ√σ τα∩Φ±Φ.
Accounts=╙≈σ≥φ√σ τα∩Φ±Φ
Add Account=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ τα∩Φ±ⁿ
Add Row=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ±≥≡εΩ≤
Add Rule for mail from Sender=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σδ ∩Φ±σ∞ ε≥ ε≥∩≡αΓΦ≥σδ
Add Rule for mail with Subject=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σδ ∩Φ±σ∞ ± ≥σ∞εΘ
Add new rule=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ φεΓεσ ∩≡αΓΦδε
Add Rule to Delete all mail from Sender=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σδ ≤ΣαδσφΦ Γ±σ⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞ ε≥ ╬≥∩≡αΓΦ≥σδ
Add Rule to delete Mail from Sender=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σδ ≤ΣαδσφΦ ∩Φ±σ∞ ε≥ ╬≥∩≡αΓΦ≥σδ
Add Rule to Delete mail with Subject=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σδ ≤ΣαδσφΦ ∩Φ±σ∞ ± ≥σ∞εΘ
Add Rule to mark messages from Sender as Spam=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σδ εßετφα≈σφΦ ±εεß∙σφΦΘ ε≥ ╬≥∩≡αΓΦ≥σδ ΩαΩ ±∩α∞
Add Rule to mark messages with Subject as Spam=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σδ εßετφα≈σφΦ ±εεß∙σφΦΘ ± ╥σ∞εΘ ΩαΩ ±∩α∞
Add Rule=─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓΦδε
Add sender to Black List=╧ε∞σ±≥Φ≥ⁿ ╬≥∩≡αΓΦ≥σδ Γ ╫σ≡φ√Θ ±∩Φ±εΩ
Add sender to White List=╧ε∞σ±≥Φ≥ⁿ ╬≥∩≡αΓΦ≥σδ Γ ┴σδ√Θ ±∩Φ±εΩ
Added to the White List:=─εßαΓδσφ√ Γ ┴σδ√Θ ±∩Φ±εΩ:
Advanced Options=─ε∩εδφΦ≥σδⁿφ√σ ε∩÷ΦΦ
Advanced Show Info=╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ Σε∩εδφΦ≥σδⁿφ≤■ Φφ⌠-Φ■
All Accounts=┬±σ ≤≈σ≥φ√σ τα∩Φ±Φ
All Files=┬±σ ⌠αΘδ√
ALL Rows=┬±σ ±≥≡εΩΦ
Already Connected=╙µσ ∩εΣΩδ■≈σφ
Animate the Tray Icon when you receive new mail.~This will produce a flashing indicator instead of the normal static one.=└φΦ∞α÷Φ ΦΩεφΩΦ Γ εßδα±≥Φ ≤ΓσΣε∞δσφΦΘ ∩≡Φ ∩εδ≤≈σφΦΦ φεΓ√⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞.~▌≥ε ∩≡ΦΓσΣσ≥ Ω ∞ΦπαφΦ■ ΦΩεφΩΦ Γ∞σ±≥ε σσ φε≡∞αδⁿφεπε ±ε±≥ε φΦ .
Any mail received from the following e-mail addresses~will automatically be deleted.=╦■ßα Ωε≡σ±∩εφΣσφ÷Φ ∩εδ≤≈σφφα ± Σαφφ√⌡ ∩ε≈≥εΓ√⌡ αΣ≡σ±εΓ~ß≤Σσ≥ αΓ≥ε∞α≥Φ≈σ±ΩΦ ≤Σαδσφα.
ANY Row=╦■ß≤■ ±≥≡εΩ≤
Are you sure?=┬√ ≤Γσ≡σφ√?
Ask for confirmation before deleting any e-mails.~This only works for the Delete button. Deleting messages~using rules will not ask for confirmation.=╟α∩≡ε± φα ∩εΣ≥Γσ≡µΣσφΦσ ≤ΣαδσφΦ δ■ßεπε ∩Φ±ⁿ∞α.~▌≥α ⌠≤φΩ÷Φ ≡αßε≥ασ≥ ≥εδⁿΩε Σδ Ωφε∩ΩΦ ╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ.~╙ΣαδσφΦσ ∩Φ±σ∞ Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤ ∩≡αΓΦδα, φσ~τα∩≡α°ΦΓασ≥ ∩εΣ≥Γσ≡µΣσφΦ .
Attachment(s)=┬δεµσφΦσ( )
AutoCheck disabled=└Γ≥ε∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα Γ√Ωδ■≈σφα
AutoCheck Enabled=└Γ≥ε∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα ΓΩδ■≈σφα
AutoCheck only while Minimized=└Γ≥ε∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα ≥εδⁿΩε ±Γσ≡φ≤≥√∞
Because of the Security Risk, PopTray doesn't allow the opening of Executable files.=╚±⌡εΣ Φτ ±εεß≡αµσφΦΘ ßστε∩α±φε±≥Φ, PopTray φσ ∩ετΓεδ σ≥ τα∩≤±Ωα≥ⁿ Φ±∩εδφΦ≥σδⁿφ√σ ⌠αΘδ√.
Black List mark as Spam=╫σ≡φ√Θ ±∩Φ±εΩ ∩ε∞σ≈σφ ΩαΩ ±∩α∞
Black List will mark the messages as Spam~instead of deleting them.=╫σ≡φ√Θ ±∩Φ±εΩ ß≤Σσ≥ εßετφα≈α≥ⁿ ±εεß∙σφΦ ΩαΩ ±∩α∞~ßστ ∩ε±δσΣ≤■∙σπε ≤ΣαδσφΦ ²≥Φ⌡ ±εεß∙σφΦΘ.
Black List=╫σ≡φ√Θ ±∩Φ±εΩ
Cannot delete last Account=═σ ∞επ≤ ≤ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ∩ε±δσΣφ■■ ≤≈σ≥φ≤■ τα∩Φ±ⁿ
Caption Options=═α±≥≡εΘΩα φαΣ∩Φ±σΘ
Check All=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ Γ±σ
Check and Info=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ Φ ε∩εΓσ±≥Φ≥ⁿ
Check and Show=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ Φ ∩εΩατα≥ⁿ
Check current account for New Mail=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ ≤≈σ≥φ≤■ τα∩Φ±ⁿ φα φαδΦ≈Φσ φεΓ√⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞
Check First Account=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ 1-■ ≤≈σ≥φ≤■ τα∩Φ±ⁿ
Check for Mail=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ ∩ε≈≥≤
Check for new mail every =╧≡εΓσ≡ ≥ⁿ ∩ε≈≥≤ ΩαµΣ√σ
Check for New Mail on Startup=╧≡εΓσ≡ ≥ⁿ ∩ε≈≥≤ ∩≡Φ ±≥α≡≥σ
Check if On-Line=╧≡εΓσ≡ ≥ⁿ φαδΦ≈Φσ ±εσΣΦφσφΦ
Check Interval=╚φ≥σ≡Γαδ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ
Check Now=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ ±σΘ≈α±
Check on-line if newer version available.=╧ε ΓΦδα±ⁿ δΦ φεΓα Γσ≡±Φ ?
Connect Error:=╬°ΦßΩα ±εσΣΦφσφΦ
Connection Info=╚φ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ ε ±εσΣΦφσφΦΦ
Connection TimeOut:=╥αΘ∞-α≤≥ ±εσΣΦφσφΦ :
Contact Info=╩εφ≥αΩ≥φα Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ
Copyright=└Γ≥ε≡±ΩΦσ ∩≡αΓα
Decode preview message=─σΩεΣΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ∩≡σΣ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡
Default e-mail program to open.=╧ε≈≥εΓΘ ΩδΦσφ≥ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■.
Default sound to play when new mail arrives.=╟Γ≤Ω ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ Σδ Γ⌡εΣ ∙Φ⌡ ±εεß∙σφΦΘ.
Default sound:=╟Γ≤Ω ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■:
Defaults=╧ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
Del Spam=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ±∩α∞
Delay in minutes to wait between mail check intervals.~Set it to 0 to never automatically check.=╟αΣσ≡µΩα Γ ∞Φφ≤≥α⌡ Σδ εµΦΣαφΦ ∞σµΣ≤ Φφ≥σ≡Γαδα∞Φ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ ∩ε≈≥√.~╙±≥αφεΓΦ≥σ τφα≈σφΦσ ≡αΓφεσ 0 Σδ ε≥Ωδ■≈σφΦ αΓ≥ε∞α≥Φ≈σ±ΩεΘ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ.
Delay on a SingleClick to wait and see if a DoubleClick is coming.=╟αΣσ≡µΩα ∩ε±δσ εΣΦφε≈φεπε ∙σδ≈Ωα~∞√°ⁿ■ Σδ εµΦΣαφΦ ΣΓεΘφεπε ∙σδ≈Ωα.
Delete Account:=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ τα∩Φ±ⁿ:
Delete Account=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ τα∩Φ±ⁿ
Delete Button only available when using Safe Delete option=╩φε∩Ωα ╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ Σε±≥≤∩φα ≥εδⁿΩε ∩≡Φ~ΓΩδ■≈σφφεΘ ε∩÷ΦΦ ┴στε∩α±φεσ ≤ΣαδσφΦσ
Delete current message=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ Σαφφεσ ±εεß∙σφΦσ
Delete Error:=╬°ΦßΩα ≤ΣαδσφΦ :
Delete from server=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ± ±σ≡Γσ≡α
Delete Mail only on Next Check=╙Σαδ ≥ⁿ ±εεß∙σφΦ ∩≡Φ ±δσΣ≤■∙σΘ ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωσ
Delete Message from Server?=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ±εεß∙σφΦσ ± ±σ≡Γσ≡α?
Delete Messages from Server?=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ±εεß∙σφΦ ± ±σ≡Γσ≡α?
Delete messages marked as Spam=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ±εεß∙σφΦ εßετφα≈σφφ√σ ΩαΩ ±∩α∞
Delete Row=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ±≥≡εΩ≤
Delete Rule:=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓΦδε:
Delete Rule=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓΦδε
Delete selected rule=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ Γ√ß≡αφφεσ ∩≡αΓΦδε
Delete Spam from Server?=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ±∩α∞ ± ±σ≡Γσ≡α?
Delete Spam=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ±∩α∞
Delete this message from server=╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ²≥ε ±εεß∙σφΦσ ± ±σ≡Γσ≡α
Deletion Confirmation=╧εΣ≥Γσ≡µΣσφΦσ ≤ΣαδσφΦ
Different Icon for Viewed Messages=─≡≤πα ΦΩεφΩα Σδ ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡σφφ√⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞
Disable AutoChecking between the hours specified.~This is useful when you do not want noisy notifications~during the night.=╬≥Ωδ■≈ασ≥ αΓ≥ε∩≡εΓσ≡Ω≤ Γ ταΣαφφε∞ Φφ≥σ≡Γαδσ Γ≡σ∞σφΦ.~▌≥α ⌠≤φΩ÷Φ ∩εδστφα ΩεπΣα ┬√ φσ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ±δ≤°α≥ⁿ °≤∞φ√σ ≤ΓσΣε∞δσφΦ ∩ε±≡σΣΦ φε≈Φ.
Display the tabs for the different accounts in~multiple lines instead of one scrolling line.=╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ταΩδαΣΩΦ Σδ ≡ατδΦ≈φ√⌡ ≤≈σ≥φ√⌡ τα∩Φ±σΘ Γ~ΓΦΣσ Ωφε∩εΩ, Γ∞σ±≥ε εΣφεΘ ±≥≡εΩΦ ∩≡εΩ≡≤≥ΩΦ.
Do not run the AutoCheck timer event while viewing the PopTray Window.~This is useful to prevent an AutoCheck from happening~while you are manually checking for mail.=═σ τα∩≤±Ωα≥ⁿ ≥αΘ∞σ≡ αΓ≥ε∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ ∩≡Φ ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡σ εΩφα PopTray.~▌≥ε ∩≡σΣε≥Γ≡α∙ασ≥ ΓΩδ■≈σφΦσ αΓ≥ε∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ Γε Γ≡σ∞ ≡≤≈φεΘ~∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδσ∞ ±ΓεσΘ ∩ε≈≥√.
Don't Check between=═σ ∩≡εΓσ≡ ≥ⁿ ∞σµΣ≤
Don't show Error Dialogs=═σ ∩εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ΣΦαδεπΦ ε°ΦßεΩ
Double Click delay on Click=╟αΣσ≡µΩα ∩ε±δσ ΩδΦΩα
Double Click:=─ΓεΘφεΘ ∙σδ≈εΩ:
Drag to Create Separators=╧σ≡σ≥α∙Φ≥σ Σδ ≡ατΣσδσφΦ
E-Mail Program:=╧ε≈≥εΓΦΩ
Enable Quick Checking=┬Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ ß√±≥≡≤■ ∩≡εΓσ≡Ω≤
EXE files=EXE ⌠αΘδ√
Execute File=╚±∩εδφΦ≥σδⁿφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ
Extra Confirmation when Deleting Protected Messages=─ε∩εδφΦ≥σδⁿφεσ ∩εΣ≥Γσ≡µΣσφΦσ ∩≡Φ ≤ΣαδσφΦΦ τα∙Φ∙σφφ√⌡ ±εεß∙σφΦΘ
Extra confirmation when you try to delete messages~protected by rules or the WhiteList.=─ε∩εδφΦ≥σδⁿφεσ ∩εΣ≥Γσ≡µΣσφΦσ ∩≡Φ ∩ε∩√≥Ωσ ≤ΣαδσφΦ ±εεß∙σφΦΘ~τα∙Φ∙σφφ√⌡ ± ∩ε∞ε∙ⁿ■ ∩≡αΓΦδ ΦδΦ ┴σδεπε ±∩Φ±Ωα.
Failed to Save Attachment.=╬°ΦßΩα ∩≡Φ ±ε⌡≡αφσφΦΦ ΓδεµσφΦ .
First check if you are on-line before checking for e-mail.~Used by dial-up users who don't want the dial-up dialog ~to pop-up when you are not connected.~Makes checking a little bit slower.=╧σ≡σΣ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩεΘ ∩ε≈≥√ ∩≡εΓσ≡ σ≥± φαδΦ≈Φσ ±εσΣΦφσφΦ .~─δ ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδσΘ ∩εΣΩδ■≈α■∙Φ⌡± ≈σ≡στ ∞εΣσ∞φεσ ±εσΣΦφσφΦσ~(Dial-up),Φ Ωε≥ε≡√σ φσ ⌡ε≥ ≥ ∩ε ΓδσφΦ φα ²Ω≡αφσ ΣΦαδεπεΓεπε~εΩφα ±εσΣΦφσφΦ , ß≤Σσ≥ Γ√ΓσΣσφε ±εεß∙σφΦσ εß ε≥±≤≥±≥ΓΦΦ~±εσΣΦφσφΦ (Γ ±≥≡εΩσ ±ε±≥
New message using default mail client=╤ετΣα≥ⁿ ∩Φ±ⁿ∞ε Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤ ∩ε≈≥εΓ≤■ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
New Message=╤ετΣα≥ⁿ ∩Φ±ⁿ∞ε
New Messages Only=╥εδⁿΩε φεΓ√σ ∩Φ±ⁿ∞α
No E-Mail Client specified=═σ ταΣαφ ∩ε≈≥εΓ√Θ ΩδΦσφ≥
No message selected.=═σ≥ Γ√ß≡αφφ√⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞.
No new mail=═εΓ√⌡ ±εεß∙σφΦΘ φσ≥
No protocol defined for account=═σ Γ√ß≡αφ ∩≡ε≥εΩεδ Σδ ≤≈σ≥φεΘ τα∩Φ±Φ
No rule selected=═σ≥ Γ√ß≡αφφ√⌡ ∩≡αΓΦδ
No Sort=┴στ ±ε≡≥Φ≡εΓΩΦ
NoName=┴στ√∞ φφ√Θ
None=═σ Γ√ß≡αφε
NOT Contains=═┼ ±εΣσ≡µΦ≥
Not On-Line=═σ≥ ±εσΣΦφσφΦ
NOT Supported=═┼ ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥±
Nothing=═σ Γ√ß≡αφε
Number of message lines to preview.=╩εδδΦ≈σ±≥Γε ±≥≡εΩ ±εεß∙σφΦ Σδ ∩≡ε±±∞ε≥≡α.
Number of messages marked as Spam:=╩εδδΦ≈σ±≥Γε ±εεß∙σφΦΘ εßετφα≈σφφ√⌡ ΩαΩ ±∩α∞:
Number of seconds to display the Info window~before closing it.=╩εδδΦ≈σ±≥Γε ±σΩ≤φΣ Σδ ∩εΩατα Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φεφφεπε εΩφα~∩σ≡σΣ σπε ταΩ≡√≥Φσ∞.
Number of seconds to wait during connection~before giving an error.=╩εδδΦ≈σ±≥Γε ±σΩ≤φΣ Σδ εµΦΣαφΦ Γ ∩≡ε÷σ±±σ ±εσΣΦφσφΦ ~∩σ≡σΣ Γ√ΓεΣε∞ ≤ΓσΣε∞δσφΦ εß ε°ΦßΩσ.
Number of selected messages:=╩εδδΦ≈σ±≥Γε Γ√ß≡αφφ√⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞:
Once a message has been viewed, don't show it again.=┼±δΦ ±εεß∙σφΦσ ß√δε ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡σφε, ßεδⁿ°σ φσ ∩εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ σπε.
Only download if size less than=╟απ≡≤µα≥ⁿ, ≥εδⁿΩε σ±δΦ ≡ατ∞σ≡ ∞σφσσ ≈σ∞
Options ...=╬∩÷ΦΦ ...
Password Protect=╟α∙Φ≥α ∩α≡εδσ∞
Play Sound=╚π≡α≥ⁿ τΓ≤Ω
Play different wav=╚π≡α≥ⁿ Σ≡≤πεΘ τΓ≤Ω
Please enter the password to open Poptray=╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ΓΓσΣΦ≥σ ∩α≡εδⁿ Σδ τα∩≤±Ωα Poptray
Plug-in Error:=╬°ΦßΩα ∞εΣ≤δ :
Plug-in Options...=═α±≥≡εΘΩα ∞εΣ≤δσΘ...
Plug-in Options=═α±≥≡εΘΩα ∞εΣ≤δσΘ
POP3 Server:=POP3 ±σ≡Γσ≡:
PopTray will startup in minimized state.~Thus the window will be hidden and only the trayicon~will be visible.=PopTray ß≤Σσ≥ τα∩≤±Ωα≥ⁿ± Γ ±Γσ≡φ≤≥ε∞ ΓΦΣσ~Φ ≥εδⁿΩε ΦΩεφΩα Γ εßδα±≥Φ ≤ΓσΣε∞δσφΦΘ ß≤Σσ≥ ΓΦΣΦ∞α.
Pop-Up Menu=┬±∩δ√Γα■∙σσ ∞σφ■
Portuguese (Brazil)=╧ε≡≥≤παδⁿ±ΩΦΘ (┴≡ατΦδΦ )
Preview the Message=╧≡ε±∞ε≥≡σ≥ⁿ ±εεß∙σφΦσ
Preview Top Lines=╩εδ-Γε ±≥≡εΩ ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡α
Print the message to your default printer=═α∩σ≈α≥α≥ⁿ ∩Φ±ⁿ∞ε φα ∩≡Φφ≥σ≡ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
Remember which messages on the server has already been viewed~even after closing PopTray.=╧ε∞φΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡σφφ√σ ±εεß∙σφΦ φα ±σ≡Γσ≡σ~Σαµσ ∩ε±δσ ταΩ≡√≥Φ PopTray.
Reply using default mail client=╬≥Γσ≥Φ≥ⁿ, Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤ ∩ε≈≥εΓΦΩ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
Requires that you enter the specified password to open PopTray.=╥≡σß≤σ≥ ΓΓεΣα ∩α≡εδ Σδ τα∩≤±Ωα PopTray.
Reset the Tray Icon message count when you view the PopTray~window. When new mail arrives only the new count since last ~view will be shown.=╬ßφεΓδ σ≥ ≈Φ±δε ∩εδ≤≈σφφ√⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞ φα ΦΩεφΩσ Γ εßδα±≥Φ ≤ΓσΣε∞δσφΦΘ,~ΩεπΣα ┬√ ∩≡ε±∞α≥≡ΦΓασ≥σ Φ⌡ Γ εΩφσ PεpTray.~╩επΣα ∩≡Φ⌡εΣ ≥ φεΓ√σ ∩Φ±ⁿ∞α, ≥ε φα ΦΩεφΩσ ΓσΣσ≥± ~±≈σ≥ ≥εδⁿΩε φεΓ√⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞.
Reset Mail Count in Tray when Viewing=╬ßφ≤δ ≥ⁿ ΦΩεφΩ≤ Γ εßδα±≥Φ ≤ΓσΣε∞δσφΦΘ ∩≡Φ ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡σ
Retrieve Body while Checking=╧εδ≤≈α≥ⁿ ≥σδε Γε Γ≡σ∞ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ
Retrieve complete message while checking,~if message smaller than specified size.=╟απ≡≤τΩα Γ±σπε ±εεß∙σφΦ Γε Γ≡σ∞ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ,~σ±δΦ ±εεß∙σφΦσ ∞σφⁿ°σ ≤Ωαταφφεπε ≡ατ∞σ≡α.
Retrieve Error:=╬°ΦßΩα ∩εδ≤≈σφΦ :
Right Click:=╧≡αΓα Ωφε∩Ωα:
Rotate Icon for each Account=╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ΦΩεφΩ≤ Σδ ΩαµΣεΘ τα∩Φ±Φ
Rotate Icon to show messages in each account=╠σφ ≥ⁿ ΦΩεφΩ≤, ≈≥εß√ ∩εΩατα≥ⁿ ΩεδΦ≈σ±≥Γε ∩Φ±σ∞ Σδ ΩαµΣεΘ τα∩Φ±Φ
Specify a different timer interval for each account.~Set the intervals on the Accounts tab.=╙±≥αφαΓδΦΓασ≥ Γ≡σ∞σφφ√Θ Φφ≥σ≡Γαδ ε≥Σσδⁿφε Σδ ~ΩαµΣεΘ ≤≈σ≥φεΘ τα∩Φ±Φ.╚φ≥σ≡Γαδ ταΣασ≥± φα~ΓΩδαΣΩσ ╙≈σ≥φ√σ τα∩Φ±Φ.
Start Minimized=╤Γσ≡φ≤≥ⁿ εΩφε ∩ε±δσ τα∩≤±Ωα
Stay on Top=╧εΓσ≡⌡ Γ±σ⌡ εΩεφ
Still busy checking=┼∙σ ΦΣσ≥ ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα
Still busy deleting other messages.=┼∙σ ΦΣσ≥ ≤ΣαδσφΦσ Σ≡≤πΦ⌡ ±εεß∙σφΦΘ.
Test the Reg Expr syntax=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ ±Φφ≥αΩ±Φ± ≈α±≥επε Γ√≡αµσφΦ
Test the sound file=╥σ±≥Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ τΓ≤ΩεΓεΘ ⌠αΘδ
Test to run the e-mail program=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ τα∩≤±Ω ∩ε≈≥εΓΦΩα
Thanks to the following volunteers who helped with the translation:=╤∩α±Φßε ±δσΣ≤■∙Φ∞ Σεß≡εΓεδⁿ÷α∞, Ωε≥ε≡√σ ∩ε∞επδΦ ± ∩σ≡σΓεΣε∞:
The X close button in the top right-hand corner will minimize~PopTray instead of closing it.~To close use the "Quit" button.=╩φε∩Ωα ╒ (╟αΩ≡√≥ⁿ) Γ ∩≡αΓε∞ Γσ≡⌡φσ∞ ≤πδ≤ ±Γσ≡φσ≥~PopTray Γ∞σ±≥ε ≥επε, ≈≥εß√ ταΩ≡√≥ⁿ σπε.~╫≥εß√ ταΩ≡√≥ⁿ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤ ∩εδⁿτ≤Θ≥σ±ⁿ Ωφε∩ΩεΘ "┬√⌡εΣ".
This lists all the plugin DLLs found in your plugins directory.~Select to load/unload. Right-click for options.=▌≥ε ±∩Φ±εΩ Γ±σ⌡ ∞εΣ≤δσΘ DLL φαΘΣσφφ√⌡ Γ Γα°σ∞ Ωα≥αδεπσ plugins.~┬√ßσ≡Φ≥σ Σδ τα∩≤±Ωα/ε±≥αφεΓΩΦ. ╧≡αΓ√Θ ∙σδ≈εΩ Σδ φα±≥≡εΘΩΦ.
This will add the following e-mails to the Black List:=─εßαΓδσφΦσ ±δσΣ≤■∙Φ⌡ ∩ε≈≥εΓ√⌡ αΣ≡σ±εΓ Γ ╫σ≡φ√Θ ±∩Φ±εΩ:
This will create a rule to delete all future e-mails from=╤ετΣασ≥ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σδ ≤ΣαδσφΦ Γ±σ⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞ ε≥
This will create a rule to spam mark all future e-mails from=╤ετΣασ≥ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σδ εßετφα≈σφΦ ΩαΩ ±∩α∞ Γ±σ⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞ ε≥
This will delete all these messages.=─αφφ√σ ∩Φ±ⁿ∞α ß≤Σ≤≥ ≤Σαδσφ√.
This will delete all these selected messages.=┬√Σσδσφφ√σ ∩Φ±ⁿ∞α ß≤Σ≤≥ ≤Σαδσφ√.
Timer Interval per Account=─δ ΩαµΣεΘ τα∩Φ±Φ ε≥Σσδⁿφε
To add actions to your application simply drag and drop from either Categories or Actions onto an existing ActionBar.=─δ ΣεßαΓδσφΦ Ωε∞αφΣ√ Γ ∩αφσδⁿ Ωε∞αφΣ φ≤µφε ∩≡ε±≥ε ∩σ≡σ≥α∙Φ≥ⁿ σσ Φτ ±∩Φ±Ωα φα φ≤µφ≤■ ∩αφσδⁿ.
Try to mix the colors when e-mail arrives in multiple accounts.~Windows only allows 16 colors in the tray, so mixing will not~always give the correct color.=╧√≥α≥ⁿ± ±∞σ°σΓα≥ⁿ ÷Γσ≥α ∩≡Φ φαδΦ≈ΦΦ ∩ε≈≥√ Γ ≡ατφ√⌡ τα∩Φ± ⌡.~Windows Γ√ΓεΣΦ≥ ≥εδⁿΩε 16 ÷Γσ≥εΓ Γ εßδα±≥Φ ≤ΓσΣε∞δσφΦΘ, ∩ε²≥ε∞≤~±∞σ°ΦΓαφΦσ ÷Γσ≥εΓ φσ Γ±σπΣα Σασ≥ ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√Θ ε≥≥σφεΩ.
Unable to Copy file.=═σΓετ∞εµφε ±Ωε∩Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ.
Unable to Retrieve Message=═σΓετ∞εµφε ∩≡Φφ ≥ⁿ ±εεß∙σφΦσ
Unviewed messages will be shown in Bold.=═σ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡σφφ√σ ±εεß∙σφΦ ß≤Σ≤≥ Γ√Σσδσφ√ µΦ≡φ√∞ °≡Φ⌠≥ε∞.
Use MAPI=╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ MAPI
Use the POP3 UIDL command to check that message is still the same~before deleting it.=╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ POP3 UIDL Ωε∞αφΣ√ Σδ ΦΣσφ≥Φ⌠ΦΩα÷ΦΦ~∩Φ±σ∞ ∩σ≡σΣ Φ⌡ ≤ΣαδσφΦσ∞.
Use the POP3 UIDL command to quickly check if the mail on the server has changed.=╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ POP3 UIDL Ωε∞αφΣ√ Σδ ß√±≥≡εΘ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ,~σ±δΦ ΩεδΦ≈σ±≥Γε ∩Φ±σ∞ φα ±σ≡Γσ≡σ Φτ∞σφΦ≥± .
Use the Simple MAPI interface of you e-mail client,~instead of using a "mailto:" link for replies and new messages.=╚±∩εδⁿτεΓαφΦσ ∩≡ε±≥επε MAPI Φφ≥σ≡⌠σΘ±α ┬α°σπε~∩ε≈≥εΓΦΩα, Γ∞σ±≥ε ±±√δΩΦ "mailto:" Σδ φεΓ√⌡ ∩Φ±σ∞~Φ ∩Φ±σ∞ φα Ωε≥ε≡√σ ┬√ ε≥Γσ≈ασ≥σ.
User Aborted.=╧≡σ≡Γαφε ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδσ∞.
User Interface=╚φ≥σ≡⌠σΘ± ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδ
WARNING: This account does NOT support Safe Delete.=┬═╚╠└═╚┼: ▌≥α ≤≈σ≥φα τα∩Φ±ⁿ ═┼ ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ ßστε∩α±φεσ ≤ΣαδσφΦσ.
What to show on the TrayIcon~while checking for new mail.=╫≥ε ∩εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ φα ΦΩεφΩσ Γ εßδα±≥Φ ≤ΓσΣε∞δσφΦΘ Γε Γ≡σ∞ ~∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ φα φαδΦ≈Φσ φεΓ√⌡ ±εεß∙σφΦΘ.
When a connect error occurs, PopTray will display an error message.~If this option is enabled, the error message will only be displayed in the status bar and Tray Hint.=┼±δΦ ∩≡Φ ±εσΣΦφσφΦΦ εßφα≡≤µΦ≥ⁿ± ε°ΦßΩα, PopTray Γ√ΓσΣσ≥~εΩφε ± ε∩Φ±αφΦσ∞ ε°ΦßΩΦ.┼±δΦ ²≥α ⌠≤φΩ÷Φ ΓΩδ■≈σφα,~≥ε ±εεß∙σφΦσ ß≤Σσ≥ Γ√ΓσΣσφε ≥εδⁿΩε Γ ±≥≡εΩσ ±ε±≥ε φΦ ~Φ ∩εΣ±ΩατΩεΘ φα ΦΩεφΩσ Γ εßδα±≥Φ ≤ΓσΣε∞δσφΦΘ.
When deleting mail they will get marked for deletion~and only physically deleted when the next check runs.=╧≡Φ ≤ΣαδσφΦΦ, ±εεß∙σφΦσ ∩ε∞σ≈ασ≥± ΩαΩ ≤Σαδσφφεσ, Φ ≥εδⁿΩε~Γε Γ≡σ∞ ±δσΣ≤■∙σΘ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ ≤Σαδ σ≥± ⌠ΦτΦ≈σ±ΩΦ.
When previewing a message with MIME parts~PopTray will decode the MIME message, show the ~first part in the preview and the rest as attachments.~When unselected, preview will show the RAW message.=┬ε Γ≡σ∞ ∩≡ε±±∞ε≥≡α ±εεß∙σφΦ ± ΓδεµσφΦ ∞Φ, PopTray~ΣσΩεΣΦ≡≤σ≥ σπε, ∩εΩατ√Γασ≥ ≥σΩ±≥εΓ≤■ ≈α±≥ⁿ~∩Φ±ⁿ∞α Γ εΩφσ ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡α ±εΣσ≡µΦ∞επε, α ε±≥αδⁿφεσ~∩εΩατ√Γασ≥ ΩαΩ ΓδεµσφΦ . ╩επΣα ²≥α ε∩÷Φ ε≥Ωδ■≈σφα,~≥ε Γ εßδα±≥Φ ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡α Γ√ΓεΣΦ≥± φσεß≡αßε≥αφφεσ ∩Φ±ⁿ∞ε.
When previewing a message, only load the~specified number of lines.=┬ε Γ≡σ∞ ∩≡ε±±∞ε≥≡α ±εεß∙σφΦ ταπ≡≤µασ≥± ≥εδⁿΩε~≤Ωαταφφεσ ≈Φ±δε ±≥≡εΩ ²≥επε ±εεß∙σφΦ .
When starting PopTray, first wait a few seconds~before checking for mail.=╧ε±δσ ±≥α≡≥α PopTray ∩εΣεµΣα≥ⁿ φσ±ΩεδⁿΩε ±σΩ≤φΣ~∩σ≡σΣ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩεΘ Γ⌡εΣ ∙σΘ ∩ε≈≥√.
When you receive mail from the following list of e-mail addresses,~the messages won't be deleted by rules.=╩επΣα ┬√ ∩εδ≤≈ασ≥σ ∩ε≈≥≤ ± ∩ε≈≥εΓ√⌡ αΣ≡σ±εΓ φα⌡εΣ ∙Φ⌡± Γ ²≥ε∞ ±∩Φ±Ωσ,~≥ε ±εεß∙σφΦ φσ ∞επ≤≥ ß√≥ⁿ ≤Σαδσφ√ ∩≡αΓΦδα∞Φ.
While checking for new mail, also retrieve the message body.~This will slow down checking, but if gives you the option to check~the body contents in the rules.=┬ε Γ≡σ∞ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ φεΓεΘ ∩ε≈≥√, ≥αΩµσ ∩≡ΦφΦ∞α≥ⁿ ≥σδε ±εεß∙σφΦ .~▌≥ε τα∞σΣδΦ≥ ∩≡εΓσ≡Ω≤, φε ∩≡σΣε±≥αΓΦ≥ ┬α∞ Γετ∞εµφε±≥ⁿ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ~±εΣσ≡µΦ∞επε ≥σδα Γ ∩≡αΓΦδα⌡.
While checking, show each message as it is downloaded.=╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ταπ≡≤τΩ≤ ΩαµΣεπε ±εεß∙σφΦ Γε Γ≡σ∞ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ.
White / Black List=┴σδ√Θ / ╫σ≡φ√Θ ±∩Φ±εΩ
White List=┴σδ√Θ ±∩Φ±εΩ
Write all rules actions to a log file.~Filename: RULES.LOG in the same directory as PopTray.=╟α∩Φ±√Γασ≥ Γ±σ ∩≡αΓΦδα Γ ⌠αΘδ ε≥≈σ≥α. ╚∞ ⌠αΘδα: RULES.LOG~Γ ≥εΘ ΣΦ≡σΩ≥ε≡ΦΦ, Ω≤Σα ß√δ ≤±≥αφεΓδσφ PopTray.
X Button Minimizes=╩φε∩Ωα ╒ ±Γε≡α≈ΦΓασ≥
You are trying to delete protected messages.=┬√ ∩√≥ασ≥σ±ⁿ ≤ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ τα∙Φ∙σφφ√σ ±εεß∙σφΦ .